Freedom Is Never More Than One Generation Away From Extinction… Ronald Reagan

Very inspiring speech!




Prager U: Making a Difference Five Minutes at a Time



2 thoughts on “Freedom Is Never More Than One Generation Away From Extinction… Ronald Reagan

  1. I loved Reagan and prayer u tape.
    One comment (on another topic). I
    believe it is obvious that all men are
    not created equal (birth defects etc)
    all men however ARE created with
    their dreams

    1. Absolutely TRUE my darling friend. And its what they make of those opportunities. So to be so late in answering…but I missed seeeing this section of my blog for so long and didn’t realize the backlog of replies over the last couple of year. I was amazed!! People are hungry for answers and inspiration and I love helping in this way.
      Take care and I have some of your great heart creations out on display.

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